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Ett företag
i ständig rörelse

WorkMotions är ett expansivt företag med expertkunskaper inom modern dynamisk ergonomi, linjära rörelser av möbler och utformning av e-tentamenslokaler på universitet och högskolor.

Office in motion

Our main product is the unique DynaDesk, a modern dynamic desk that in a recently presented medical study has been shown to increase both the productivity and well-being of users. We also offer a unique solution for e-exam rooms and we are a proud reseller of Aeri’s range of active office chairs.


DynaDesk is a patented solution that prevents pain in the neck, shoulders and arms. The ergonomic desk is designed specifically to create a dynamic workplace without work-related pain.


We are all aware that we move far too little in today’s society. Many people believe that a height-adjustable desk allows us to solve all problems. Unfortunately, a height-adjustable desk does not solve the most common problem found in a workplace – stiff necks and stress as a result of tense shoulders. Let movement flow freely in your office and thus achieve increased well-being!

The reported experience compared to ordinary sit and stand desks.

Higher quality of Life
Improved well-beeing
Stronger neck
Higher produktivity

This is how it works